Friday, August 29, 2008


The patio at our new place has a straight shot at the north star, which is perfect for shooting star trails shots!! Unfortunately the apartment complex has a few too many lights on for the stars to really stand out, but you can definitely see that they are rotating around the north star a little bit! I'm going to keep working on it (maybe staying up really late so people go to bed and turn off their lights!) so I'll post more if they get better!
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jess said...

That is awesome, Erika!! Great shot!

Unknown said...

that's some crazy black magic, sis. how much elapsed time am I seeing?

erika d. said...

Thanks, Jess & Andy!! This is about a 13 minute shot. They don't look like they have traveled so far because they're so close to the north star - I'll post again with a longer shot. Unfortunately my battery can only take about a 1-1.5 hour shot :( Thanks for checking in!!

Doug said...

Hold on. Are you suggesting that this indicates the earth rotates? That'll get you in trouble... several centuries ago.

My balcony faces west, so I can't attempt such shots, regardless of how long the batteries would last.

Despite the lights, a reasonable amount of detail on the stars. Was it underexposed?